
Running the tests

Run all of the (nose) tests:

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=intercom tests

Run the unit tests:

nosetests tests -e integration

Run the integration tests (using the dummy app_id and api_key):

nosetests tests -e unit


Run all of the doctests:


Run the doctests in a specific module:

./bin/doctest intercom/

Code coverage

Generate a code coverage report:

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=intercom tests


Generate a pylint report for a specific module:

pylint --rcfile=pylint.conf intercom/

Generate a full pylint report:

pylint --rcfile=pylint.conf intercom

Runtime Dependencies

  • Requests – an HTTP library “for human beings”

Development Dependencies

  • nose – makes unit testing easier.
  • coverage – code coverage.
  • mock – patching methods for unit testing.
  • pylint – source code analyzer.
  • Sphinx – documentation decorator.
  • Pygments – Python syntax highlighting for documentation.
  • docutils – reStructuredText support.
  • Jinja – templating language.